
A fundamental change in packaging legislation! Hallo there, Mike Baxter!

I slutet av maj, närmare bestämt den 25:e är det åter dags för förpackningsbranschen att samlas på Pack Point Nordic i Stockholm. En av talarna är Mike Baxter, External Affairs Director vid Berry bpi Group.

Mike Baxter kommer att hålla sin presentation på engelska varför vi valt att även göra vår intervju på detta språk.

What will you focus on in the conversation and panel at Pack Point Nordic?

There is one key topic which ‘towers’ above everything else right now – the forthcoming European Commission sponsored Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation.

The PPWR will be the biggest change and influence on the European market for packaging since the original PPWD was introduced in 1993.

The PPWR impacts on all producers who cause packaging to be placed ‘on the market’ (POM) in all EU Member States. The Regulation encompasses all packaging materials, however, the biggest impact will be on plastic packaging.

The ‘headline grabbing’ features of the PPWR include overall targets to reduce the amount of packaging POM; minimum mandatory recycled content; all packaging materials must be recyclable; a 5 category listing for all materials according to recyclability and collection/recycling rates – this is colour coded Green to Red, any packaging coded red will be prohibited from being POM from 2030.

Within all 160 pages of the draft PPWR there are many other factors which are not necessarily understood, for example: A ban on the use of polythene collation shrink films in retail outlets; All producers will have a legal responsibility to assess (and keep records) for every SKU they POM and determine which category e.g. green to red, the item falls into; Empty spaces/voids in a packaging item will be prohibited; All single serve coffee capsules must be compostable – sounds easy and sensible , but it isn’t!; Greater emphasis on packaging being re-usable; all MSs must implement EPR systems for packaging materials.

What makes a good packaging?

We all know the benefits of packaging, particularly plastic packaging which keeps food safe, fresher for longer and avoids waste. Going forwards, once again the PPWR will be the biggest influence, producers need to ensure the packaging they POM is recyclable and where appropriate contains recycled materials.

Which challenges and opportunities do you see ahead of you?

One of the biggest challenges and opportunities surrounds the use of recyclate in packaging.

Greater use of recycled materials makes good business sense, supports the overall principle of a circular economy and reduces the amount of waste packaging being landfilled or burned. However, for direct food contact materials where (with the exception of rigid HDPE – milk containers; PET for drinks bottles and rigid PP) mechanically recycled materials are prohibited, the only option is chemically recycled plastics. Currently there is only very limited capacity for chemical recycling, plus the EU currently will not allow ‘mass balance’.

Which changes/improvements would you most like to see?

Difficult to say right now because the PPWR has just started its progress through the EU Trialogue process, this allows for amendments to be made to the draft, who knows what amendments the more extreme MEPs might propose.?

Describe your expectations for the conference.

I am sure it will be a great event!

Thank you, Mike Baxter!

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