
”Increased pressure for change will generate new business standards” Hallo there, Neal Geryl

23 november samlas förpackningsbranschen på nytt i Malmö för konferensen Pack & Plast. Där kommer en av talarna att vara Neal Geryl, Business Development Director vid Berry bpi Group.

Neal Geryl kommer att hålla sin presentation på engelska varför vi valt att även publicera vår intervju på detta språk

What will you talk about at Pack & Plast?

It is important to repeat that it must be understood that the final details of the PPWR, which will impact on all manufacturers and users of packaging, will not be 100% certain until the draft Regulations have completed the Legislative processes through the European Parliament; The Council of Ministers and finally The European Commission. The final votes in the Parliament are scheduled to take place on 22nd and 23rd November.

Based on what we know, I would like to focus on the impact of PPWR on packaging producers:

  • Recyclability
  • Recycled content
  • Reduce
  • Reuse
  • Single Use Plastic Bans

What challenges and opportunities do you see ahead of you?

As for challenges:

  • Reduce: eventually, there will be a physical limit such as thickness of films
  • Recyclability: multi material structures and/or PVC based plastics
  • Recycled content: availability of PCR streams

And opportunities:

  • Increased pressure to innovate will generate new business standards
  • Developments in advanced recycled material will attract more interest and investments

How do you want to contribute to increased sustainability in the packaging area?

Highlight on 2 developments

Lamination films for mono material laminates (Entour)

Omni Xtra as replacement for PVC cling film

Describe your expectations for the conference.

I am looking forward to learn more about the local market: needs, challenges and opportunities

Thank you, Neal Geryl!

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