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SMC Corporation Appoints Bianca Brunell as New General Manager for the Nordic and Baltic Countries

SMC Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Bianca Brunell as the new General Manager for SMC’s Nordic and Baltic countries, effective June 1, 2024.

SMC Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of Bianca Brunell as the new General Manager for SMC’s Nordic and Baltic countries, effective June 1, 2024. Bianca Brunell brings 27 years of experience in the technology industry, having previously served as Head of Supply Chain at SMC Nordic & Baltic Countries. Her leadership and expertise in the field will be instrumental in driving the region’s continued success and innovation.

Bianca takes over after Torbjörn Lundberg who will retire at the end of this year after a distinguished career spanning over 30 years. Torbjörn has played a vital role in the Nordic and Baltic consolidation project. The entire SMC team wishes him the very best in his future endeavours and welcomes Bianca to her new position. 

"We are thrilled to welcome Bianca to this leading role", Masahiro Ota, Member of the Board of Directors and CFO for SMC Corporation. "Her extensive experience and proven leadership will be invaluable as we continue to grow and innovate." 

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SMC Automation AB
Ekhagsvägen 29
141 71 Segeltorp
Huddinge kommun
VAT nummer: SE5562764034


Joakim Kalcidis
Digital kommunikatör
+46 086031277 kalcidis.joakim@smc.com

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