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Recab GUIDE: The sensors in Industry 4.0

Sensors are used across a wide range of applications. Some are simpler, straightforward solutions in our daily life. Examples of these types of solutions are automatic doors, vending machines, elevators, car washes, garbage trucks and touch pads.

Vital components in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
Today’s ‘smart sensors’ are an integral part of Industry 4.0 and vital components in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), providing connectivity and interaction within machines and other network devices. Often, they are combined with other hardware such as computers, cameras and switches to provide users with greater insights and analysis. Modern sensors are equipped with IO-links where the system check if the sensor works in a healthy way and alarm any type of error. Let us at Recab guide you through the different types of sensors on the market and and all the possibilities they enable.

A world of variety
Recab offers a vast portfolio of sensors that are suitable for almost any application in any industry. Our experts provide customers with off-the-shelf products from leading worldwide suppliers, as well as customized solutions. Our portfolio covers:

Color Sensors
Fiber Optic Sensors
Inductive Sensors
Laser Sensors
Photoelectric Sensors
Ultrasonic Sensors
Flow Sensors
Pressure Sensors
Contact Sensors

Unparalleled experience and technical expertise
Customers come to Recab with a variety of different briefs when it comes to their sensor requirements. With years of experience in working with all the main sensors on the market, our technical sales team has built up specialist expertise which customers truly value. This means that we can assist not just in the sale of a sensor solution, but with the whole process. From the selection of the best product, right through to custom development and installation.

Sensors to fit any application
As with all Recab services, our engineers work closely with our customers to create exceptional solutions that meet the requirements and demands for the application they need. The experience and knowhow of our technical sales team, coupled with our best-in-class product portfolio, means we can deliver the highest quality customer experience in the Nordic region.

Recab exclusive supplier
Recab is the exclusive supplier in the Swedish and Norwegian market for global market leader, Keyence. Based in Japan, Keyence supply sensors, measuring systems, measurement sensors and systems, code readers, static eliminators and machine vision systems all over the world – and are at the forefront of factory automation. Our engineers have years of experience in developing Keyence solutions for the Nordic market.

 For more information and support, please contact us at:
Chat with us at www.recab.com.   

Västberga Allé 5
SE – 126 30 Hägersten
Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00

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Recab: Catalog of Products and Solutions 
Recab: Enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB)Industrial 5G is here
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Recab AB
126 30 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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